Late game and DLC viability of Bastard Sword? I did however like the bastard sword in dark souls 1 it's just alittle sorter then the claymore, your getting down to the "make a choice" questions lol I hate those Royal greatsword consumes far leas stamina than a flamberge per swing I tested yesterday The damage output is laughable, and even smaller swords give it a run for it's money I loved the claymore in dark souls 1, so I rushed like a maniac to get it ad soon as I could back in day 1 when nobody knew where things were Needless to say, I wasted a bolt stone And a 10 on it The bastard sword is a much better weapon this time around
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Bastard sword dark souls-Bastard Sword Dark Spirit is an enemy that appears in the Things Betwixt only after all the braziers in the area are lit 1 Description 2 Overview 3 Location 4 Equipment 5 Drops 6 Notes This Dark Spirit dons the full Imported Set and is armed withUser Info Zyklon Zyklon 9 years ago #1 it has some pretty nice damage wounder if it its worth istead of a claymore or flamberg User Info W_S_Burroughs W_S_Burroughs 9 years ago #2 The flamburg has a bad moveset, and the claymoor has an r2 pokey attack so nobody uses the bastard

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The bastard sword 1h r2 has one particularity that's quite excellent it completly shatters giant skeletons And sends them flying like, feet away It's awesomeJust wondering what people recommend finding for early weapons I'm a knight, currently using a heide sword and bastard sword I'm a strong proponent of great swords so let me know what your favorites are This all comes from 800 hours of Dark Souls experience Bottom line is that there is a right weapon for every situation and I perfer aAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators
Drangleic Sword is a weapon in Dark Souls 2 Greatsword of Drummond, Royal Army Captain An old and unadorned sword,perhaps, but the pride and joy of this venerable captain An heirloom passed from grandfather to father, and then from father to son Drummond, and those before him, used this sword to repel those who would threaten their great landFume Hollow Mask Fume Manikin Mask Majestic Greatsword of Artorias Alva RebornUnfortunately, I don't have any good boss weapons since I mostly chugged their souls to level myself I have Smelter demon sword, but only 1, and it's a strength weapon anyway I also have Bastard sword 10, but at this point it's outclassed by Drangleic which I have at 4 I guess once it's 5, it should do well even against endgame bosses
For the Dark Souls III variant, see Dark Sword The Darksword is a straight sword in Dark Souls The Darksword is obtained by reaching rank 2 in the Darkwraith covenant The Darksword is a bit of an oddity amongst other straight swords; Longsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered Widelyused standard straight sword, only matched in ubiquity by the shortsword" "An accessible sword which inflicts consistent regular damage and high slash damage, making itHelp Hi all, I'm replaying Dark Souls 2 Didn't do the DLC the first time, and decided to start fresh My first file used the Craftsmans Hammer, which is a good weapon but I just didn't like the feel of it I usually use big strength weapons but the weird aiming in this game of them kind of threw

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Rather like the Broadsword, it attacks are almost exclusively slash attacks (excluding the 2handed rolling attack, which is a thrust attack) and isThe bastard sword was my playthrough weapon until i got the Claymore in DS2 i think its just because people who have played other souls games want to use new weapons or "the best" weapons instead of using weapons they like If you like a weapon and it works for you then it doesn't matter what anyone else says 2It's only usable if you run a

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Dark Souls close Games videogame_asset My games When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu chevron_left This is a high res retex of the Bastard Sword Enjoy Permissions andBastard Sword weapon moveset in Dark Souls 3, including Skill Weapon Arts and sample PvE combat (STR 16, DEX 10)Subscribe for more & live youtube gaming! Continue left around a large pile of wooden boxes and on a body is the Bastard Sword 2 Can also be dropped from bastard sword wielding hollows in the Forest of Fallen Giants 3 (Lost Bastille) Blacksmith McDuff sells only one for 3000 souls Check out my other mods!

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Dark Souls II The Lost Crowns DLC Trilogy brings three harrowing new chapters of dangerous Dark Souls II gameplay, taking players through entirely original areas to face a slew of unknown enemies10 rows Bastard Sword is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered This standard greatswordThe Bastard Sword is a greatsword in Dark Souls III 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Upgrades 5 Videos Sold by Greirat of the Undead Settlement for 3,000 souls Sold by the Shrine Handmaid once she has been given Greirat's AshesA ubiquitous weapon, the Bastard Sword is

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The first flvr file is the weapon itself and there will be another below it that ends with _1, check with the flvr editor to make sure it is the sheath and delete it Then go to the xml file and edit that with notepad and remove the line that refers to the file ending in _1 Use my mod as a template if you want, just to compare them and you areMaybe move on to a curved Greatsword Murakumo for instance DS2 scaling is not that strong at the best of times and the Bastard Sword is C/C anyhow 6 level 1 TheHittite 8m Mastodon Greatsword will do more damage, but is much heavier There really aren't a lot of weapons that are straight upgrades on others12 rows Bastard Sword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3 A widelyused heavy greatsword normally wielded

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Requires Magic Bastard Sword 5 Blue Titanite 10% STR, 10% DEX, 72% INT scaling Unknown additional amount of INT scaling Name Damage Defense Stat BonusesThen look at the four icons below which stands for 1st icon Strength 2nd icon Dexterity 3rd icon Magic 4th iconFaith So the number beside the stat is the required number before you can use it effectively I think the Bastard Sword requires 18 strength And for sure that a barbarian can use the sword at the beginning of the game bastard sword does worse damage than claymore due to the lack of thrust, has worse range than claymore, and is useful in less situations (since it doesn't have a guard break that's fast or a poke) that being said, if you like bastard sword, keep using it there's nothing wrong with not using the meta

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Bastard sword without the scabbard Hello friends have I got a treat for you!The Royal Guard let us borrow a Swordsman to show the move set for the Bastard Sword in Dark Souls 2"A standard greatsword Heavy greatswords are designed tThe Bastard Sword is a greatsword in Dark Souls II 1 Availability 2 Characteristics 3 Moveset 4 Notes 5 Gallery Found on a corpse in the Forest of Fallen Giants near the Soldier's Rest bonfire Dropped by greatswordwielding Hollow Soldiers in the

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Black Knight Sword is a Weapon in Dark Souls and Dark Souls RemasteredNot to be confused with the Black knight great sword "Greatsword of the Black Knights who wander Lordran Used to face chaos demons" "The Large motion that puts the weight of the body into the attack reflects the great size of their adversaries long ago"Does anyone uses the Bastard sword?Note Weapons reinforced with regular Titanite are listed at 0, 3, 6, and 10 as those reinforcement increments represent the base damage of the weapon and the top tier of each multiplayer range

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Drakeblood Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3 Greatsword wielded by an order of knights who venerate dragon blood This sword, its blade engraved with script symbolizing dragon blood, inflicts magic and lightning damage While in stance, use normal attack to break a foe's guard from below, and strong attack to slash upwards with a DARK SOULS™ III All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews The bastard sword has the downward slam r2 #3 Hat Skeleton!The Bastard Sword isaLarge SwordinDemon's Souls 1 Description 2 Availability 3 Moveset 4 Upgrades 41 Basic 42 Blessed 43 Crushing 44 Demon's Soul 45 Dragon 46 Moon 47 Quality Found on a corpse at 11 This weapon upgrades up to 10 with Hardstone, or up to 5 with Greystone, Dragonstone, Clearstone, Faintstone, or Moonlightstone Requires Bastard Sword 0

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@ 214pm Claymore Thrusting R2s are too good #4 TrueArchery @ 216pm The BSword has the StompWA, not the generic StanceEDIT Update Im now closing on level 50, and I just got the drngleic sword, Right now I cant get the bastard sword past 3, so the drangleic sword hits a little harder, and has a really fantastic thrust attack, but it loses out on the awesome sweeping attacks from the bastard sword, and it doesnt have the same reachDARK SOULS™ Prepare To Die Edition As for bastard sword, just know that the range on that thing is a lot shorter than claymore Going quality build means going jack of all trades Just use every weapon you can possible get Have you tried the murakumo?

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The Bastard Sword is a greatsword in Dark Souls The Bastard Sword may be purchased from Andre of Astora for 3,000 souls The Bastard Sword has good physical damage and scaling, and high staggering power (the standard of all greatswords) While slightly more powerful than the Claymore, it lacksComment, Like & Subscribe YOUTUBE http//wwwcom/Dirtyxyz TWITTER http//wwwTwittercom/DIRTY223 Bastard sword without the scabbard When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu

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The Bastard Sword is a greatsword Weapon in Dark Souls 3Claymore has better range, 1h R2, and 2h WR All Bastard Sword has on it is a tiny bit of damage Since they have the same weight, reqs, and scaling, everyone just uses the Claymore since it outclasses the Bastard Sword Kenya User Info Drak_the_ShadowI couldn't find this mod on the nexus so after a grueling 12 hours of learning how to mod this game I've finally made my first mod This just removes the ugly and completely historically inaccurate scabbard for the bastard sword It will increase your immersion greatly

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